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Limb Loss Study

Clinical Trial

Outcomes Testing with Myoelectric Upper Limb Prosthesis Users

IRB Protocol Number STU00213830


Kristi Turner, DHS, OTR/L


This study is exploring what factors may impact function using a prosthesis. Individuals recruited for the study will be asked to come into our lab to do some testing with their prosthesis and possibly some tests without.

The goal of this study is to perform outcome measures with individuals who have upper limb loss or difference and use a myoelectric prosthesis. Exploratory analysis will be done to look for factors such as type of terminal device, componentry, level of amputation, and control type that impact outcomes.

Who Can Participate

  • Individuals with upper limb loss/difference on one side
  •  Prosthesis user with a myoelectric hand or hook
  • Currently NOT receiving therapy services to learn use of the prosthesis
  • English Speaking


Provided upon acceptance and participation in study. 

Age Range

18 +

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